How To Increase Sales Conversion by 20%

Most Internet marketers are focused on getting visitors to their site, but many neglect to put in the necessary effort to turn those visitors into paying customers. By doing a few basic things, you can increase your sales conversion rate by 20 or even 30 percent. So what should you be looking at?
Update your websites
Have you checked your website lately — is it as fresh and appealing as it was when you first created it? Have you updated it lately with new content, new pictures or different products? Your website could be looking a bit old-fashioned or just a bit dowdy with the same old pictures that you’ve had for the last few years — just a quick revamp would make all the difference and breathe new life into what is basically your shop front.
Check your navigation and make sure visitors can get around your site easily and quickly and see if you can add some more interesting content to your site. Put up a few new pictures and a video or two and make your site look like it’s being cared for. If you get repeat visitors to your site, it can encourage them to stay a bit longer and see new things that they hadn’t noticed before.
Work on your homepage
Your homepage is usually the first place your visitors will land and this is a crucial page to make a great first impression. Make sure your homepage ticks all the boxes and wows your visitors from the first paragraph. You should state very clearly what it is you are offering — bullet points are always a good way to summarize if you have a lot of points to get across. Make sure you state your main benefits and let your visitors know what your products can do for them. Also make sure you have a strong call to action by asking them for their order — this could be a click through to your shopping cart or a phone number for them to call, but you must have a call to action on your homepage. Also make sure it is very clear how people can take the next step by looking for further information on your site or contacting you.
Work on your offer
Do you have amazing products on offer, or is there some room for improvement? Do a reality check on your products and services and consider honestly if they stand up to your competition. It could be that you have a brilliant product on offer but it is just presented in a less than efficient way, so look at both aspects.
Could you improve on your offer — maybe by adding something to it such as a free bonus. Could you do a 2 for 1 offer or upgrade for free? How about considering going into a joint venture with another company to offer something really special that would increase your conversion rate.
Is your offer being presented in the most effective way? Sometimes just a rewrite of your marketing material can make all the difference and start pulling in new orders. It’s all a matter of trial and error, so try some different sales copy and evaluate the results. You may want to rethink your keywords if you have not looked at this in a while and it’s worth doing some keyword research on a regular basis.
Add more testimonials
Testimonials are a great way to convince your prospects that your offer is good and your products and services are worth the investment. If you already have testimonials on your site, that’s great but try adding some new ones — you can’t have too many testimonials!
Consider adding some video and audio testimonials as well as this can really make testimonials come alive. Even one or two happy customers that would be willing to give their opinion on a short video clip would help to persuade your visitors that they should buy your products and services.
Don’t be too demanding
If you want to get your visitors to buy from you, you have to make sure you’re not asking them for too much personal information with opt in and subscription forms and so on. People resent being asked for unnecessary details and don’t have the time to fill in endless required fields in a form. Just get the absolute essential information such as their e-mail address and first name. If they are paying by debit or credit card, then they will have to give more information, of course, but try to limit the demands you place on your customers if you want to maximize your conversion rate.