10 Ways to Use Paid Surveys to Generate Revenue

Sometimes, generating just a modest income in addition to your current salary or revenue streams can make a huge difference at the end of the month. Because many consumers have to pay large bills, like rent payments, utilities, or other major expenses toward the end or the beginning of each month, these days can be tough on a budget. Imagine, though, if you were able to add just a few hundred dollars to your income with just a few invested hours each week.
Thankfully, the Internet presents a wide variety of opportunities for income supplementation. You can find online revenue opportunities that will require a modest contribution of time and effort on your part and provide you, in return, with a sum of cash that can be used to make following a budget a little simpler. Online strategies may not offer enough compensation to allow you to quit your “day job,” but they can provide some much-needed breathing room when things get tight.
One of the most effective, and also one of the most fun, strategies for generating some extra revenue each month involves completing paid surveys. Market research companies use online surveys to assess the opinions, beliefs, preferences, and needs of average consumers in a variety of different demographics. Companies that are hoping to reach out to a new population of consumers, offer a new product or service, or connect more deeply and poignantly with their current target audience hire market research firms to gauge the current state of the consumer population. In order to gather the needed information, these market research firms must find consumers who are willing to complete surveys.
To compensate you for your time, market research firms may provide you with prizes, gift cards, or even cash incentives. You can treat paid surveys like a side job, and it’s easy to complete these surveys from the comfort of your own home. Instead of taking on a second job that will require you to spend money on travel or stay on your feet for long hours, you can curl up on the couch with a laptop computer, an Internet connection, and your favorite cup of coffee and answer questions about your personal preferences, activities, and shopping habits. There is no training or education required. All you have to do is answer questions honestly and thoroughly. This money-making venture is quite realistic; there are no false promises here. ABC, a popular television network and media conglomerate, even featured the paid survey strategy on its popular Good Morning America television spot.
If you want to get started earning a little extra income each month, you’ll first need to find a paid survey website that is reputable and reliable. Here are ten popular ways to use surveys to generate revenue. Some of these sites offer revenue in the form of valuable prizes or gift cards, but many also offer cash bonuses for your time.
Opinionsquare is popular because of the large number of surveys available on this site. Payment is awarded using a points system. After points have been accumulated, users can exchange them for fun prizes. You can also exchange points for gift cards. The more points you accumulate, the larger the dollar amount you will receive when you cash them in. This points system is quite popular amongst many survey sites.
Opinionoutpost is different from Opinionsquare in that payment for completed surveys is paid in a check at the end of each month. You will be required to fill out demographic information and a little personal information about yourself, but this reputable company guarantees that information will not be shared or sold. Only one account is permitted per family, however, so registration is limited.
Surveyspot also pays participants with a check each month, but there is another payment option available. Consumers can complete free surveys and be entered into a drawing for a chance to win cash prizes. While this may seem like a gamble, those who complete free surveys will receive access to more paid surveys than those who do not.
Valuedopinions offers multiple payment options for individuals who complete surveys online. You can choose to receive electronic gift cards, physical gift cards, and even gift cards to the popular Amazon website. Because Amazon sells a variety of household products and needed items, these gift cards can be used just as easily as cash.
This popular paid survey website provides cash in exchange for completed surveys. Globaltestmarket is unique, though, in that consumers are provided with a small amount of cash even if they are not accepted for the survey after the initial testing phase. Many other sites do not offer compensation for this.
This paid survey website also employs the point system, and consumers can exchange points for gift cards to popular restaurants, retail establishments, and online shopping sites.
Surveyhead will send e-mails directly to your inbox with surveys for which you are expected to qualify. This dramatically reduces the time you will send applying for surveys only to be rejected because of your demographic.
Surveysavvy was one of the first market research companies to offer online paid surveys for consumers. This site continues to offer consistent, high quality surveys and pays in the form of cash.
Originally known as Your2Cents, Toluna offers an incredible assortment of high quality surveys, generous compensation levels, and even other online tasks that you can complete for payment.
Mypoints is a combination of paid advertisement reading and paid survey completion. You sign up to receive e-mails and then receive compensation based on what you complete via e-mail. Consumers can get paid to answer surveys, view advertisements, and even use coupons at their favorite retail stores or grocery stores.
These ten paid survey sites will keep you answering surveys as long as you want. You can answer as many or as few as you’d like because there is no minimum requirement and no pressure from the market research complete to fulfill a quota. Instead, you’re responsible for your own workload. If you have a free hour at the end of the day, you can spend it completing a few surveys. You can even dedicate an entire Saturday to survey completion to give yourself a substantial income boost.
Making money with paid surveys is simple and effective.
What are some other strategies and websites you’ve used to generate revenue using paid surveys? Add your suggestion in the comments section below, or share this article with your network. As always, thanks for the continued support!